The purpose of this project was to design a series of environmental issue posters for the bus shelter billboards, create a slogan, and we were not allowed to use the colour green or blue. According to the colour theory, every tint, tone, and shade of colour has a specific psychological effect. When we see green and blue, we think about life, the earth, recycling, and eco-friendly. Creating an environmental poster without using green and blue was a bit challenging. After brainstorming, I decided to choose plastic pollution as the topic. I used “what goes around comes back around” as the slogan and tried to tell people that if we destroy our environment, the environment will retaliate against us.

I put two natural disasters on the posters, tsunami and tornado. Both of them are formed by plastic pollution. Brown is the colour of soil, it looks dirty and just like pollution, so I used it as the background colour. The ocean is black because it’s being polluted, and black can represent seriousness. All the plastic products are in white and different shades of gray; it creates a contrast with the black ocean and looks like a wave. The slogan is in yellow because yellow triggers emotional responses. It’s like a warning, and it also can attract attention.

Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator were used to create the posters. This project taught me that colours aren’t just visual stimuli; they can affect our emotions!

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